Fulfilling the needs of the needy as we bring the Messiah to where an individual is at through one on one relationships with love and support.
This is the Father's command to us:
For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore, I command you saying, 'You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and needy, in your land.'
Deuteronomy 15:11
We have partnered with Sukkat Shalom, who will manage 501c tax reporting and donor receipts. The button below will take you to their website to donate.

The young woman sitting here is "R". She is 25 years old and has an infectious smile. She has been on the streets for nearly three years and lives in a makeshift tent made up of different materials for protection from the elements. This is the cold weather time of the year, and what you may not realize is that she is in a wheelchair. Six months ago, on her birthday, she was hit by a car, her legs were crushed along with her pelvic bone and has suffered damage to other parts of her body. Life has been challenging for her as well as for many others.
"R" lives day to day facing obstacles that many never do. The community of homeless live off the main grid out of sight so not to be run off, which has happened many times before.
Many of these men and women on the streets have reached this level of despair because of uncontrolled circumstances such as abuse, loss of income, as well as the loss of a home.
In the last two years, homelessness has risen by over 30%; this is an astronomical figure. The official homelessness figure is almost 780,000 with between 25%-38% being women. Many believe that this figure is at least double since many live off the grid.
Ministries that provide shelter are overwhelmed; organizations don't have the funds or staff to keep up with the high increases of 2022-2025. This is where we come in going into the areas where people are living out of sight from the public, back in the treelined areas of the cities we find many surviving from day to day without water, other essentials that we take for granted.
This is why I and others are needed for this Black Ops Mission; to bring food, comfort and true love as we carry the word of the Father and Son to these lost sheep. Please consider joining us as we reach out a helping hand.
Why we are here
Helping homeless and needy individuals with love and kindness through Christ, bringing them much needed support.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
We have partnered with Sukkat Shalom, who will manage 501c tax reporting and donor receipts. The button below will take you to their website to donate.