Question and Answers

  • How many unsheltered people live on the streets in the United States?
    According to a one-day survey conducted in mid-winter by the government in January, when it is impossible to get an accurate count, there were 771,800 people. From talking to others and seeing what I have seen, a better estimate is more than double this if you include the countless undocumented people.

  • How many women and children are on the streets?
    Some surveys say there are over 112,000 children. The number of women has reached between 25% and 38% of the unsheltered population. I have personally witnessed these figures daily. We are also currently working with husbands and wives who lost their income and housing through evictions or other circumstances. There are many who have been on the streets for less than 15 months, including those who are handicapped.

  • Aren't most homeless drug addicts?
    No, this is a prejudicious assumption that drives those who seem to spew hatred towards the unsheltered. While there are many reasons, not all are addicts as one might assume.

  • How can I make a difference?
    While the homeless require a number of things, most vital is compassion and understanding (There, but for the grace of God, go I). In addition to compassion, basic necessities (non-perishable foods), warm clothing (coats, gloves, caps) in winter, shelter (tents, sleeping bags, tarps). You can make tax deductible donations through our home page or contact us to coordinate donations of gently used seasonal necessities or non-expired food items.